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LIVE / 2005 A series of performances documented by television and radio. PRESS RELEASE: Live by Robin Deacon is an investigation into the sensation of seeing oneself on television, or hearing ones voice on the radio. Over the period of the residency, Robin will contrive a series of appearances and interventions on these broadcast media, exploring the relationship between the body and voice in a live context, and in the context of 'being on TV.' The gallery will provide a base from which Robin will create an alternative schedule based on his attempted appearances, focussing on programmes that are live (news broadcasts, live events) or contain a participatory element (quiz shows, debates, phone-ins, etc). The format of this project will be task based, and could take the form of anything from a set amount of phone calls to a talk radio show, to merely being in shot during a specific outside news broadcast.
RIGHT: Piers Morgan, First Edition (Pilot) - In this case, a camera was smuggled into the studio (15/03/05), and used to film a programme that has not been subsequently broadcast. |
Robin's actions and behaviour will be pre-arranged and codified to take on the role of agent provocateur, impostor or devils advocate - for example, getting the most basic of questions wrong during a quiz, or presenting extreme or strange viewpoints in a topical discussion. There is scope for tasks also being set by the gallery visiting audience. A schedule of possible appearances will be provided each day, and if the appearance happens outside of gallery hours, the audience will of course have the opportunity to 'tune in' in the comfort of their own homes. The documentation accumulated over the period of the project will be edited and displayed in the gallery, constantly updated and re-edited over the period of the project. In the case of a news broadcast, to 'be there' one has pre-empt, or even make news, so the possibility of failure is ever present. Bearing this in mind, live video and sound editing could also be utilised to transparently exaggerate or fabricate events, exploring the possibility of appearances on programmes being entirely created through a process of convincing enactments edited together with footage of the shows themselves. Can the failure to complete tasks (through fear or embarrassment in particular) can be played with, or 'redeemed' through the video editing process? Robin will set about remixing and changing the emphasis of existing television programmes through a series of live edits, the results of which will be made available for visitors to take home with them in tape form.
Examples include an edition of Question Time with all answers edited out, and episode of Eastenders with the dialogue removed entirely, and a South Park episode with the soundtrack swapped with a BBC News report about a high school shooting. |
THE MICHAEL HOWARD INCIDENT: The following is a text compiled from a talk I gave at the Tabernacle Gallery in March 2005, and transcribed telephone conversations from the same period. It concerns my preparations for an appearance on The Wright Stuff, a topical television show on Channel 5. The conversations with the researcher are centred on the formulation of a question to ask the (at that time) leader of the UK Conservative party, Michael Howard. The footage of Howard was later used in my performance Dispatches, devised during a six week residency at the Sophiensaele in Berlin. Robin (Tabernacle): Yesterday I was phoned by a researcher from the Wright Stuff...
Robin (Tabernacle):Now originally, they'd asked me to come and be a member of the audience, but after about three or four telephone conversations, they decided they'd rather have me on the telephone. And I don't really quite know why that is.
Robin (Tabernacle): And they're having Michael Howard, the leader of the conservative party as a guest...a sort of question and answer session going on tomorrow morning.
Robin (Tabernacle): But it was very interesting that when he was talking to me, it was nothing to do with me asking Michael Howard what I think of him, or what his opinions are, or what my opinions on his policies are...the whole way the conversation was taken was in terms of:
Robin (Tabernacle): We have this theme, and would you like to ask a question on it?
Robin (Tabernacle): The researcher actually said to me he thought that I was being too analytical:
Robin (Tabernacle): So tomorrow I'm going to go on this programme as a phone guest. I'm trying to find ways of how you can use the format of television to document something else, I mean, the phrase I use is...'performances documented by television'. And it's that idea that tomorrow at nine o'clock on the Wright Stuff that I'm going to do a performance of some description, but I just don't really know what. The programme want me to ask a question on asylum and immigration:
Robin (Tabernacle): So I'm going to hand out these bits of paper, and I just want people to write down what they think I could do to subvert that format in some way. And I'm going to choose one of these, and I'm going to try and do it tomorrow, rather than me just asking the question, and that being it.
Robin (Tabernacle): Its interesting talking to people, because everyone says there's probably going to be a sound delay on the programme, so if you're being peculiar, then they'll probably cut you off.